Edit an Entry
Click on the "Entries" button and then click on the button related to the entry you want to edit
Select the fiscal year where the entry was saved and enter the Transaction No. and press enter to display the entry Press on the "Edit" button Then follow the steps below: 1- Edit any details outside the grid 2- You can edit the GL amount inside the grid but you can not add or delete existing rows 3- Click on the "Validate" button to validate the entry. If there are any errors in your entry, a message will explain what needs to be adjusted 5- When the entry is validated successfully, the "Save" button will be enabled. Press the "Save" button to save the entry Notes: 1- You can not edit an entry in a "Locked" fiscal year 2- You can not edit a Sales Order if it was invoiced 3- You can not edit a Sales Invoice if a Receipt was made to it |
Delete an Entry
Click on the "Entries" button and then click on the button related to the entry you want to delete
Select the fiscal year where the entry was saved and enter the Transaction No. and press enter to display the entry Press on the "Delete" button Notes: 1- You can not delete an entry in a "Locked" fiscal year 2- You can not delete a Sales Order if it was invoiced 3- You can not delete a Sales Invoice if a Receipt was made to it |
Copy an Entry
Click on the "Entries" button and then click on the button related to the entry you want to copy
Select the fiscal year where the entry was saved and enter the Transaction No. and press enter to display the entry Press on the "Copy" button Notes: 1- Only applies to Sales Order, Journal Entry and Guided Entry 2- You still need to validate and save the new copied entry |
Reverse an Entry
Click on the "Entries" button and then click on the button related to the entry you want to reverse
Select the fiscal year where the entry was saved and enter the Transaction No. and press enter to display the entry Press on the "Reverse" button Notes: 1- Only applies to Journal Entry 2- You still need to validate and save the new reversed entry |
Display an Entry
Click on the "Entries" button and then click on the button related to the entry you want to display
Select the fiscal year where the entry was saved and enter the Transaction No. and press enter to display the entry |
Upload an Entry
In the "Journal Entry" or "Guided Entry" forms click on the "New" button then follow the instructions below:
- Click on the "U. File" button in the dark gray toolbar - The "EntryUpload" file will be populated with all GL accounts - Enter the GL account names in column A of the "EntryUpload" tab, or select the account name by clicking on the down arrow that appears when you click on any cell in this column - Do not enter the account IDs as they will be populated automatically with the included formula - Enter all debit amounts in the "Dr" column and all credit amounts in the "Cr" column. Don't enter an amount in both columns in the same row. Use one row for each amount type - Enter the line description if needed - Enter the Tax amount in column F only if you are uploading the file to "Guided Entry" form. "Dr" and "Tax" amounts should be entered in the same row in the respective columns - Do not enter any amount in column "Total". The formula will calculate the total - Save the file in a location on your computer - Go back to the entry in ETAR and click on the "Upload" button - A screen will pop-up where you can browse and select the file you saved earlier - The entry will be uploaded to the grid(s) - Validate the entry after entering any other details like transaction date, description, etc.. - After successfully validating the entry click on the "Save" button to save the entry Note: Please do not change the structure of the "EntryUpload" tab or delete any columns or rows or enter any value in all cells highlighted with the beige color |
Upload a Credit Card Statement
In the "Guided Entry" form, on the dark gray toolbar click on the "New" button and then click on the "Credit Card" button . In the Credit Card Upload form do the followings:
- Click on "U.File" to open and download the upload file (only if your credit card statement is not in the same format as the upload file) - Copy the Posted Date, Payee and Amount data from your credit card statement into the upload file (you can skip this step if your credit card statement is in the same exact format and column order as the upload the file in which case you can go directly to the next step) - Save the upload file (or the credit card statement) on your computer in either excel or csv format - Click on the "Upload" button and locate the upload file and click open - Your credit card transaction will be populated in the top grid, start assigning Expenses accounts to payees by selecting either the GL account name or number from the drop down boxes on the right of the top grid. You can assign the expense to a payee only once even if there are other multiple transactions from the same payee in the same statement - Click on the "Apply" button to apply the same selected expense account applied to a Payee to other transactions from the same Payee - Click the "Save" button to save your Payee to Expense mapping so the next time you upload a new credit card statement you don't need to assign the same Payee to Expense again - You can change the amount or you can deselect some transactions that you want to exclude from the entry by clicking the check box on that transaction in the first column - Click the "Ok" button and the Credit Card Upload form will close and the Guided Entry will be populated with the relevant expense accounts to the uploaded statement |
Navigate Through Entries
In any type of entry you can navigate and find an entry by selecting the fiscal year where this entry was saved and then following any of these methods:
- Enter the transaction no, then press enter - Use the blue navigational arrows on both side of the "Transaction No." to either go to the first, previous, next or last entry - Click on the "Find Transaction" button to select or search for the entry from a transaction list |
Entry Grid Buttons
These functions only apply to Journal Entry and Guided Entry and can be executed by clicking on the buttons on the right of the grids
These buttons do the following functions: - Select Account: Opens the Account selection screen. The account selected from this screen will be entered in the cell that had the focus when this button was clicked - Plug Diff.: Plug the difference between the Debit and Credit. The plunged amount will be entered in the Amount column of the row that had the focus when this button was clicked - Delete Row: Delete the current row - Clear Grid: Clear the grid from any entered data |
Cash Application
See documentation related to creating a new entry to create a new "Receipt" and follow the steps below for cash application:
1- Select the customer from the customer drop down box or click on the "Find customer" button to find the customer 2- Select the cash account from the cash drop down box 3- Enter the receipt amount A list of unpaid or partially paid invoices will be populated in the grid on the right part of the screen. Do the following to apply cash on invoices: 1- in the "Amt Received" column enter the amount related to each invoice. if the whole invoice amount should be entered you can either check the box in the first column of that row or double click on the row of that invoice 2- To let ETAR automatically apply cash on the invoices based on their transaction date order, click on the "Auto Apply" button in the panel on the right side of the grid. With Auto Apply the cash will be applied to all existing unpaid invoices at the time of the entry as long as the receipt amount is greater than the total of these invoices. 3- If you would like to start over and reset all amounts entered, click on the "Reset" button in the panel on the right side of the grid Notes: - "Total Applied" is the total of cash entered in the "Amt Received" column (either manually or automatically) - "Total Unapplied" is the difference between the "Receipt" amount and the "Total Applied" |
Create an Invoice for a Specific Sales Order
An order can be invoiced with any of the following two methods:
After selecting an open Sales Order click on the "Invoice" button in the dark gray toolbar which will take you to the "Sales Invoice" entry form with the relevant invoice details populated or follow these steps below: 1- Create a new invoice 2- Select a customer from the dropdown box 3- In the "Sales Order ID" field enter the sales order number to be invoiced or click on the "Find Sales Order" button to search for the sales order and select it Notes: 1- Changes can still be made to an invoice created based on a specific order 2- The invoice needs to be validated and saved 3- An invoice can be created without a Sales Order created first |