ETAR interface includes 3 toolbars: - The Page Toolbar: The toolbar at the top of the screen and can be used to open most of ETAR's forms (entries, reports, analysis and Control) and it's an alternative way to the buttons on the home screen. Note: The user can select either to show or hide this toolbar by clicking on the green "Pin" button on the Navigational toolbar - The Navigational Toolbar: The toolbar below the Page Toolbar and it includes buttons mainly that allow the user to navigate through the application. Please see "Navigation Through Forms" section for more details. - Functions Toolbar: The grey toolbar that is at the top of an entry or a report/analysis and it allows the user to perform functions related to the current active form on the screen. The followings are examples of these functions: - For Entries: create a new entry or edit, copy, reverse, delete, save, validate an entry Note: Not all of these functions are relevant to all entries and therefore some of these buttons might exist in an entry and not the other - For reports: Beside the relevant selections, all reports and analysis have buttons to run a report, reset the selections to the default values, set the auto refresh on and off and to export the report to excel. Menus: The menus mostly perform the same tasks as the toolbars and also include a "Help" menu that includes the Help Index and some other information. Note: When an entry form is opened, a new menu will appear (in light blue color) with the same text as the entry type. This menu has buttons similar to the buttons on the entry Grey Toolbar. The user can use either the Grey Toolbar or that menu to perform any of the entry functions. |
Navigation Through Forms
The Navigation Toolbar is designed to help the user navigate to any part of the software by allowing the user to go back one step or go to the home screen or close the current form. The user can also produces a snapshot of the current active screen and hide or show the Page Toolbar.
Another useful feature in ETAR that it allows the user to jump directly to a specific transaction or an order or an invoice or a GL/customer account details, by selecting from the drop down box in the middle of the Navigation Toolbar any of the previously mentioned items and then entering in the text box (on the right) the transaction ID or the order/invoice number or the GL account/customer number. Also, the user can select to activate any of the opened forms from the drop down box at the far right of the Navigation Toolbar. |
Shortcuts save the user many steps to open a specific form for a specific purpose. They include the most common tasks that the user will normally perform using ETAR every day. Shortcuts are in the "To Do" button that is on the home screen as well as the Page Toolbar.